Finding Joy in the Midst of Chaos is about waking up to JOY. Have you ever, experienced joy? A moment that took you out of the ordinary and and filled you with overwhelming delight.
As a child, you knew that life was touched with wonder, and each day was an adventure. But, you became “educated” and in the process you lost the ability to see the beauty and the wonders daily of the world around you. You lost the ability to see joy in your daily lives.
The American Dream has became a nightmare. We sacrifice ourselves trying to achieve it . We spend our days in office buildings, warehoused like cattle in tiny cubicles working under artificial lights, breathing recycled air. (Margot Anand)
We long for the life we see in our dreams, but we believe, that as grownups we need to be rational, logical, mature, stoic, we forget about the magical, mystical, mysteries of life. We are disconnected from our spirit and increasingly from other people. We forget that each life is sacred and each life has the possibility of living joyfully.
You can create joy by surrounding yourself with things that are beautiful . You can create joy by surrounding yourself experiences that bring you joy. You can create joy by surrounding yourself with people who bring you joy, or with people who make you laugh. You can create joy by experiencing your senses. When your senses are awake, joy is available.
In these moments, you know it is possible to live life joyfully, to be creative and free. To make a garden grow, you cultivate the soil, to experience joy you must cultivate it. Through love, laughter, connection and attention and by being present to the world around you. You can transform your life with joy.